How Nic’s Minsdet has changed because of the Busy Mum Program
Thank you so much Kelly for putting this product together! I have learnt a wealth of information that I will continue to use for the rest of my life!
I liked to have a big boozy night followed by whole carbs and cheese. Due to this I suffered from often feeling bloated, skin blemishes and a very unattractive tummy! I couldn’t stay on track after giving up smoking 1.5 years ago the weight just crept back on. In one year I put on 13 kgs.
This program will teach you it is all about your mindset, about what you can achieve not what you can’t. Its a matter of being consistent and keeping on track. Talking to like minded mum’s who just want a healthy lifestyle.
I enjoyed the exercise, I enjoyed being a part of a great group of women all so very kind and each one happy to give advice of their own. I loved this program and truly loved the results I achieved. I would highly recommend this to any mum that is busy. I managed 3 work outs a week and that’s what worked for me, I was extremely strict with eating as per the menu and hydration and have given up coffee due to this program! I write it and cannot believe I did it!!
I have lost a whopping total of 9.5kg!!!! My biggest measurement loss was from my “muffin top” 8.6cm’s I will be forever grateful for the mindset changes this has taught me.
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