6 Tips for Making Your Morning Rush Bearable
Let’s face it, most people don’t like mornings, especially after staying up late in the night. However, there are many ways you can optimize your mornings and start each day the best way you can. The following are some tips to help you get out of the right side of the bed and kick-start your mornings with a calmer and more positive outlook.
Prioritize Sleep
You’ve probably heard this one before, but the reality is despite knowing the benefits of sleep, most of us don’t get enough of it. While one individual’s sleep requirements may differ from another’s, aiming for eight hours of quality sleep should be a good place to start.
By getting 8 to 9 hours of shuteye, you’re ensuring that your body spends enough time in the deep, restorative stages of your sleep, allowing you to wake up feeling refreshed. Even waking up incredibly early will feel more bearable and you’ll be able to power through your morning routine easily.
Sleep with Your Blinds Open Halfway
Your biological clock is set according to external cues, such as light and dark. The human body is evolutionarily designed to sleep in the night and wake up when the sun rises. In the night, our brains release melatonin, which is a hormone that induces sleep. On the other hand, natural light signals the brain to lessen its melatonin production and increase levels of adrenaline in the body, making you feel more alert and awake.
Allowing some light to enter your room in the morning will ensure that as your alarm goes off, you’d have already entered light sleep and be half awake.
Have a Set Schedule
Keep track of how much time you spend during breakfast, while taking a shower, getting your kids ready for school, driving to work and so on. Having a set schedule for each element of your routine can help you develop a realistic image of how you spend your time, allowing you to structure your day more effectively.
Determine What’s Sucking Your Mornings
For most people, it’s checking the phone first thing in the morning. Before you know it, you’ve already spent 15 to 20 precious minutes scrolling through your social media, putting yourself at risk of running late on your schedule.
One easy trick that can prevent you from looking at your phone as soon as you wake up is, placing your phone on charge on your dresser – instead of your nightstand next to you. When your alarm rings in the morning, you will have to get out of bed to stop it. As soon as you’re outside the comfort of your bed, going through your phone may not be as appealing.
Make Your Bed
Yes, making your bed as soon as you wake up can make a massive difference to your morning routine. Not only does it help you start your day right, but it also sets you in the mood to keep the rest of your house tidy. Making your bed kick starts a chain of many other positive decisions during your day and it gives you a sense of taking control. Overtime, these habits accumulate, helping you develop a greater sense of wellbeing.
Finally, making your bed can also help take away some of the stress from your mornings. It’s difficult to feel relaxed and competent, when all you see is disorganization. On the other hand, a freshly made bed can immediately make you entire room look put together, generating feelings of calm and accomplishment.
Add Something Positive to Your Routine
Mornings aren’t meant to be dull and taxing. Having something to look forward to every morning, will make getting up early much more tolerable. For example, on dark, gloomy mornings, you can light up a scented candle or turn on your essential oil diffuser while getting dressed. You can also use the 15 minutes you normally spend on your regular morning suckers, on some light stretches, or a cup of tea and a good book by the window. Or you may enjoy playing your favorite songs while you shower, water the plants or make yourself a cup of coffee.
By just having a few moments of peaceful bliss every day, the rest of your morning routine won’t feel like much of a chore anymore.
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