No.1 Best Seller "Busy Mum Syndrome"

I could relate to Busy Mum Syndrome. I have learned through Kelly's program that the mind is powerful and just by changing the why we think, positive thinking, not only about life but exercise and our choices in food, we can change our lives which results in changing our bodies. This book is an easy read and one I will definitely read again.
I loved that this book focussed on your mindset to hack your way to finding a sexy, fired up, and healthy hot Mama - because she (this kick ass version of YOU) has been there all along! You just needed your mind (and then your body) to play nice and let her shine. I follow Kelly on Facebook and this book continues her supportive, encouraging, non judgemental approach to helping you CRUSH your health and fitness goals. Kelly just gets it. What it's like to be a busy Mother in universe spinning overwhelm. I Loved it. Seriously tempted to participate in one of her programs - I need a safe non- judgemental space to find my healthy hot Mama self again
When I read the article on it resinated with me. This book has given me the motivation and confidence to start to lose my baby weight

Busy Mum Syndrome

Get in the mental and emotional shape of your life in 8 weeks! All you need is the info in this book…

The majority of busy mums are stressed and unhealthy. Pushed this way and that by their unforgiving schedule, getting a bit of ‘me’ time seems like mission impossible. On top of that, the time to exercise and look after their bodies never seems to materialise. Good intentions give way to mummy duties, or work.

This never-ending treadmill must have an ‘off’ switch, right?

In this enlightening book, celebrated personal trainer and ‘busy mum’ guru Kelly Rennie gives you the advice you need to get your life back in order.

Inside, you’ll find out:

  • Why modern living is killing our emotional and physical health
  • What busy mum syndrome is and what we can do about it
  • How to achieve the life and body you deserve
  • The top nutritional mistakes (we all make) that you need to stop making
  • Exercise mistakes that can put you off the gym for life (that you have the power to stop)
  • Why there is always enough time to do the things you want to do
  • How to set goals you can actually achieve
  • How to break negative patterns and replace them with new, positive ones
  • How mindfulness can transform your everyday life experience and make your goals easier to accomplish

The best bit?

Kelly herself - award-winning personal trainer and coach to thousands of busy mums - will reveal her personal secrets about how she juggles bringing up her own children with the demands of her business. Here’s what one of her clients has to say:

Kelly is a fantastic coach for mums. Not only does she help you transform your body with personal and practical advice, she goes deeper and teaches you about yourself. Ever wondered why you react the way you do when you are stressed, or why you always seem to find an excuse not to exercise? Kelly has been through it all and can help you overcome the same things, in the process creating positive habits that will serve you for your entire life.” - Amber

Here’s the deal:

No matter how busy you are, you have what it takes to live your dream life. You can have the body of your dreams. You can feel at peace virtually all of the time. All you need is a plan.

Now you have it.

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