How To Be Fit and Healthy If You’re a Busy Mum
Whether you’re a new mom or have been one for many years, chances are your health is at the bottom of your priority list. Maybe you were able to fit in a power walk or two every week, but with time, advancements in your career, further financial responsibilities and economic changes, you’ve been letting your own needs slide without even realizing it.
If you’re reading this article, chances are you’ve already begun feeling the consequences of not giving your health and fitness enough importance. Maybe you’ve gained some weight, or you’re frequently lethargic.
It’s time you take care of yourself and show your family that your personal health, and theirs is vital for a fulfilling and prosperous lifestyle. Instead of putting your health off, maybe you can be a great role model for your family to create a lifestyle in which exercise and having nutritious meals on the regular can be as second nature as brushing your teeth every morning.
This may sound amazing in theory, but you need a failsafe plan to make it work and have long-term results in you and your family. Fortunately, we’re here to help.
Whether you’re trying to lose weight, get fit, feel less tired or become a role model for your family, following strategies will help you exchange negative habits for smarter, more meaningful choices that can be ingrained into your lifestyle for lifelong results.
1. Stop skipping meals
Whether you’re a stay-at-home mom or have to go for work, one thing is for sure, work is nonstop. Unfortunately, our busy schedules can keep us away from essential aspects of our routines, such as having a complete meal. For most mothers, skipping lunch is the easiest.
By the time you realise you haven’t had lunch, you’re already ravenous and are susceptible to making poor food choices.
Start by making three meals a priority by meal prepping before the week starts. Maybe your partner can take care of the children while you do this. Some easy meals to make ahead of time are broths and soups that you can easily portion out in zip lock bags and freeze or baked chicken breasts that cut be cut into slices and portioned out along with a side of cut veggies and boiled rice or quinoa. You can make sandwiches and freeze them. The possibilities are endless so find what suits your taste and your family’s.
2. Exercise early before the kids wake up
Coming up with reasons for skipping a workout becomes increasingly difficult once you find a way to get right to it. As hard as this may sound, carving out just thirty minutes every day before breakfast to do some at-home workouts or a jog outside, can do wonders to your patience, your energy levels and your mood throughout the day.
3. Snack smart
Being a mom involves a lot of activity and the amount of stress you face on a daily basis may make you feel like you deserve a treat or two. Note that these treats and indulgences add up on your waistline and overall health.
Instead, make sure you have healthy pre-portioned snacks in your fridge and in your purse. These can include plain popcorn, a handful of nuts, baby carrots, a couple of dates or any other clean snack you may enjoy. Just keep yourself away from junk foods such as diet cola, potato chips and cookies as they tend to elevate your appetite, instead of suppressing it.
4. Have a workout plan
Once you’ve decided a time for your workout, figure out what you’ll actually do when you start – whether it’s inside the house, outside or at the gym. If you know what you’re going to do exactly beforehand, it’ll be much easier for you to make it happen.
Another important note, lay your workout clothes out the night before so that you don’t find yourself debating what to wear and end up spending too much of your precious time.
5. Set a goal you can’t wait to reach
Start slow and keep building to a challenging routine that doesn’t only show results, but also feels amazing. Work out using an online workout calendar or fitness tool or if it’s in your budget, try working out with a personal trainer who can ease your way in. Some fitness goals most moms enjoy aiming for are:
- To do 25 pushups (without using your knees)
- To run a 5k… and then a 10k
- To do a 100 squats without stopping
- To maintain a plank for 3 minutes (it’s harder than you think!)
- To make exercise a part of your daily routine
Don’t be too hard on yourself
Being a mom is tough business on its own and having an issue on top of it may mean you’ll have to skip exercising. If you had a rough day at work, or if you or your child is stick, remind yourself it is alright to miss one day of working out.
Your goal is to make time and have the energy to exercise regularly. It’s all about maintaining a positive mindset and taking care of yourself.
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