Breast Feeding
It's important to note that all the meals in these plans are BF friendly but the following guidelines apply:
1. 3L of water a day is a must
2. Coconut water is great, if your supply is low
3. Increase your healthy fats - avocado, nuts, organic butter (cook with)
4. If you opt for the Power Shakes in the morning for breakfast, use coconut milk (full fat) as this will help with production of the breast milk and add extra calories. You can also dilute in a jug, 1 can coconut to two parts water
5. Make sure you are having one-two portions of complex carbs a day - quinoa for breakfast, 1/2 organic rice, 100g sweet potato (chips/baked etc)
6. Others things that may help - Fenugreek and Brewers Yeast
Please note: If you are using a Protein Powder, you need to make sure it is from a natural source. Pea or hemp protein that does not use any sweeteners. You can find these from if you are in New Zealand or if you are in Australia/worldwide
Yes, we have a vegetarian option
Note: All meals can be made flexible