When you’re facing negative situations in life, how do you handle it? Do you spend your time and energy complaining about the way things are? Do you blame other people? Do you put it in the basket of “nothing will ever work out for me”?
The Hardest Thing To Do is Usually the Right Thing
An old friend once told me that when you’re struggling to know what to do about a situation, the hardest thing to do is usually the right thing. I’ve usually found that’s right for whatever it is I’m going through. It’s harder to have the
Top 10 Parenting Hacks
Parenting is a tough job. It makes no difference on how many children you have or what their ages are, all parents desperately need help when it comes to making their job a little bit easier. Luckily, there are plenty of amazing parenting hacks that
Don’t let the critics stand in the way of your dreams
Do you have dreams of something you want to be, do or have? Have you ever tried to action those dreams, but let the critics around you put a stop to it? Time and time again, I speak with people about the wishes and dreams
Courgette Pancakes
Serves 1 Ingredients • 1 medium courgette • 2 large eggs • salt and pepper • 1 tbsp coconut oil Method 1. Grate the courgette into a small bowl. The combine the eggs and seasoning together 2. Heat the oil in pan on a medium heat then