Before the program I had a lack of energy, feeling bloated and my clothes were all too tight, I was stress/emotional eating a lot. Unhappy with myself. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Now I have so much more energy – I feel SO much better – I always say
Exercise for Stress
Unfortunately managing stress is a common part of life for so many of us, but actually knowing how to reduce it is difficult and can be in the ‘too hard’ basket. Or, we know what we need to do but we just don’t have the
Do you stress about being stressed?
Do you stress about being stressed? Here’s how you can stop it It’s 2018, and not only are we more stressed than ever, we’re also more educated about the effects stress can have on our health. However, does anyone else get the feeling that stressing