Before the program I had a lack of energy, feeling bloated and my clothes were all too tight, I was stress/emotional eating a lot. Unhappy with myself. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Now I have so much more energy – I feel SO much better – I always say
Tips for new Mums
Exercise for Stress
Unfortunately managing stress is a common part of life for so many of us, but actually knowing how to reduce it is difficult and can be in the ‘too hard’ basket. Or, we know what we need to do but we just don’t have the
It’s Time to Stop Obsessing Over the Scales
Alarm goes off. You stumble out of bed. Go to the toilet. Strip off and jump on the scales, bleary eyed but anxious to see what will beam back up at you. The tone of your day has just been set. An improvement sees you
Setting Realistic Fitness Goals After Having a Baby
So you’ve had a beautiful baby and now you’re all set to ‘bounce back’ and fit into your pre-preggy clothes within weeks, just like all those people on Instagram, because who doesn’t want to be a yummy mummy right? Sorry ladies, it’s not quite like
Mum Guilt – It’s Time to Let it Go!
It’s fair to say that every Mum will have experienced Mum guilt at some stage of their motherhood journey, but guess what…it’s time to let it go! Negative feelings about yourself as a Mum, or the decisions you make, aren’t helpful to you or your