Tips For New Mums
Becoming a Mum is probably the scariest thing you’ve ever done. All of a sudden there’s a baby in your arms (okay it’s not that sudden, nine months and then labour, but you know what I mean) and you’re expected to know what to do! Everyone wants to be given a manual with their newborn, nothing too big and detailed, but some basic advice would be good. But has anyone actually written one and distributed it to new mums? Ummm, no!
The moment you have a baby you’ll be inundated with advice from everyone. Often it’s well meaning and coming from a place of love, but sometimes it’s just annoying. So here you go, here’s so more advice! Basically it’s a list of hints and tips, take from it what you’d like.
- Accept offers of help. A lot of people will say ‘Let me know if I can do anything to help’ and most people respond with ‘Yes for sure, I’ll let you know’, knowing all well and good that they were never going to actually ask. But if someone didn’t actually want to help, they shouldn’t have offered in the first place! So take up those offers and feel good about it.
- Get up and get dressed. There are times when it feels too hard to get showered and dressed, but it will make you feel a whole lot better if you do. Yes, it can be hard to grab a shower with a young baby, but as long as they’re safe, you can find time to shower.
- Eat, but eat well. Your body has been through a lot – pregnancy followed by labour is the most you could ever put your body through. To help with recovery and feeling your best, remember to eat, but eat good foods. It’s easy to justify a treat when so much of the day is a challenge. But think about what that will do for your body. It might give you instant gratification but it won’t be good for you in the long run.
- Follow your instinct and do what comes naturally. You know your baby best so trust what your instinct is telling you.
- Be okay with bad days. It’s normal to have bad days, everyone has them, especially with a newborn. Be okay with them, accept that you’ll have them, and remember that the sun will always come up in the morning.
- Crying is okay (and perfectly normal). In the early days with a newborn you will most likely find yourself in tears at the drop of a hat. Don’t worry about it, it’s completely normal! Spilt milk? Cue crying. Burnt toast? Cue crying. Someone is nice to you? Cue crying. Hug from your partner? Cue crying. Literally anything will make you cry, and that’s okay!
- Don’t be ashamed of your body. You’ve just grown and birthed a human – that’s actually incredible! Never be ashamed of your body that did all that, it’s to be celebrated not hidden away.
- Be kind to yourself. As pointed out above, you just birthed a human! If you want to shout yourself to a takeaway coffee, then do it! Be kind to yourself in whatever way makes you happy. Get rid of any negative thoughts, turn them around to be a positive. You’re worth it.
- Take it all in. Everyone will want to tell you that time flies and you must enjoy these moments as they pass so quickly. And they are right! Be sure to take it all in – the good, the bad and the ugly.
- Be organised. Have your nappy bag packed and the clothes laid out so you can get out the door quickly if that’s what you aim to do. Having everything in its place will make things a lot easier in the morning, particularly if something doesn’t go your way, which is generally always the case!
- Forget about the housework. This is hard for ‘house proud’ people but in all reality, keeping a clean house in those early days really isn’t a priority.
- Get out every day. Fresh air will do wonders for both you and your baby. Be sure to find time to get out every day, even if it’s just a 10min walk. Your mind and body will thank you for it.
So there you have it, some very easy tips to follow for all the new Mums out there. But if it feels like unwanted advice, don’t take any onboard! Either way, I hope the beginning of your motherhood life has been all you hoped it would be.
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